Pet Health Questions And Answers Simplify Your Life2 min read
When I was practicing a lot of people felt embarrassed by questions that they thought were too mundane to answer. I was always happy and obliging to answer any pet health questions or quell and put to rest the many wives tales that had been passed from one generation to the next. I knew the answers to just about everything but I never claimed to know everything! In those cases I would tell the client that I would look it up and get back with them via an email or phone call. There are hundreds of good questions that I had been asked over the years. Some of them I have distilled over the years yet others are new such as problems associated with the Zika Virus in the state of Florida. One way or another the following may be very helpful to you in the near future. The following is interactive. Click on the question that may interest you to find the solution.
The Zika virus was named for the forest in Uganda where it was first discovered. The virus is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Regarding pet health, there is no known transmission of the virus to dogs or cats nor can they transmit the disease to humans. Non human primates have been infected by the virus. In this animal species there has been no microcephaly (small brain) that has been diagnosed in humans born with the disease. Most primates develop a self limiting infection with development of antibodies to the virus in about 2 weeks. This is not an issue in the U.S. Pet monkeys or apes cannot be imported into the U.S. Other primates for zoos and other uses are quarantined for 31 days in a mosquito free area. In animals you require the intermediate host (mosquito) for disease transmission. In humans the virus can easily be transmitted during sex as the virus is highly concentrated in semen and vaginal fluids. This is not the case in animals. All viruses can readily mutate and play havoc in the future. Right now it is primarily a human issue.
Diabetes is a common pet health problem seen in people and companion animals that requires insulin injections as a major part of disease therapy. The function of insulin in the body is to cause a decrease in blood sugar. If you forgot or missed an insulin injection do not repeat it! It is safer to wait for the next scheduled dose than to give the shot. If you did not miss or forget the shot and gave it to the animal it could severely lower the animal’s blood sugar causing signs such as weakness, staggering and depression. All pet owners should have sugar rich products such as light colored Karo® Syrup in case of such drops in blood sugar. Spread in the mucous membranes of the mouth, Karo® Syrup will revive most dogs in a minute or so.
Immediately take your pet to your veterinarian or nearest emergency clinic! Even if a pet is acting normal there may be problems. Yes, your dog may be lucky and nothing is wrong but get your pet examined by a veterinarian. Dogs may have internal bleeding, lung issues, musculo-skeletal disorders among other issues that could cause that pet to collapse later in the day. Many medical factors are hidden by the simple effect of adrenalin. This initially gives animals a boost then they go backwards. That adrenalin can be a curse. It further increases heart rate causing internal bleeding to worsen. It is better to not take chances with life itself. Let the professionals decide what happens.
Grains of rice are an excellent description of what tapeworm segments look like. Tapeworms are transmitted to pets through fleas. In cats they are also transmitted by hunting any type of rodent. The rodent and or the flea carry the tapeworm larvae that develops in their intestinal tracts. That mature worm (about 12 inches long) releases segments that look like grains of rice. Those individual segments are actual true hermaphrodites! They contain both male and female reproductive equipment! When owners find these segments on their bed linen they panic! The treatment for all tapeworm issues is solved with Droncit® (praziquantel). One treatment (injection or oral) is sufficient to take care of the problem. Outdoor cats should be treated every season to keep the problem to a minimum.
This is one of the most common problems that cat owners have, particularly with young kittens. Cats can develop bacterial ear infections like dogs do but the most common cause of ear scratching is ear mites (Otodectes cynotis). They are most commonly transmitted from a nursing mother to her kittens while nursing. They crawl on to the skin with a predilection for the ears. There has to be direct cat to cat contact. These biting insects irritate the ear canal so severely that the entire area around the ear is severely inflamed due to intense scratching and self mutilation. Left alone a cat’s tympanic membrane can be damaged leading to hearing loss. Treatment involves cleaning the typical dark waxy material out of the ear and instilling miticides such as Acarexx® (ivermectin) or Tresaderm®.
This is a medical emergency. This condition is known as gastric volvulus torsion or a twisting of the stomach around the long axis of the esophagus, the long tube leading from the back of the throat to the stomach opening. It is also known as dog bloat. Many times the spleen is wrapped around the stomach. You may also see your dog trying to vomit but it cannot do so. This medical issue is usually seen in large breeds of dogs although I did have a case in a Dachshund in Florida. The main cause of gastric torsion or bloat is feeding or watering an animal and then allowing it to romp around outside. The centripetal forces of ingesta (food) in the stomach builds momentum and allows the stomach to twist on itself. The only treatment is surgical intervention but that too has high risks. Most veterinarians will tack or suture the outer angle of the stomach to the peritoneum (lining of the abdomen) to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
Do not worry! This is a common occurrence in middle aged, intact female dogs. This is known as pseudopregnancy or commonly as a “false pregnancy”. It is most commonly seen about two months after a bitch is in estrous. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance, particularly progesterone. Such hormonal changes lead to breast enlargement and production (lactation) of milk. Some animals will exhibit nesting behavior. A very few will actually go into labor. It is a very good idea to have your dog radiographed, or as I preferred ultrasounded, to make double sure that the dog is not pregnant! There are cases where a dog has only ONE PUPPY and does not look pregnant (weight gain). I have seen that. It means that mother nature actually took its course without the owners knowing! False pregnancy will soon pass but dogs left intact are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. After the condition passes immediately get your pet spayed.
Observing litter box behavior is crucial. A cat may be straining due to constipation or diarrhea but the most common cause is a urethral obstruction. The cat cannot urinate. This is a medical emergency. The urethra may be spasming or it may be chock full of struvite or oxalate grit. The majority of cats with this issue are not eating a low ash diet or one low in magnesium. This condition- feline lower urinary tract disease– needs to be handled immediately! The obstruction is relieved and the cat is medically treated. I have never seen a female cat obstruct. This is due to anatomical differences between the sexes. The female urethra is much larger than the males allowing grit or debris to pass in the urine.
Save your money! They are total pieces of junk. They do not work at all. Neither does giving your pet brewer’s yeast! As I used to say all the brewer’s yeast would do would fortify its supply of B-complex vitamins! The only effective way to rid the pet or the environment of fleas or ticks is by using acceptable methods or products designed for that purpose. Take a look at the best flea and tick control methods.
More then anything else the blood causes a royal mess in the house as the dog is walking around. Unless the animal has a clotting disorder (Doberman Pinschers) this can often be treated at home although your veterinarian will be happy to take care of it. Apply regular baking flour to the wound. This will help a clot to form. Wrap the limb above the elbow or hock joint with a light bandage. Unless you are trained to apply elastic bandage use an old sock with tape to hold it up. If elastic bandage is not applied just right the return flow (venous) of blood is impeded and the limb will swell! If it is cold and snowy outside you are also in luck. Let your dog run around outside for 5 minutes or so. The direct application of cold snow will constrict the blood vessels causing a clot to form!
This is probably the number one problem that people encounter when grooming pets. This even happens to professional groomers! Most pets do not enjoy being groomed and can jerk around or be edgy during the procedure. This can invite the skin to be cut. Overestimating the depth of a hair matte can also lead to a minor laceration to the skin. Do not wait for medical attention. Even if it is a small gash see your veterinarian. First of all, the animal is in pain and the laceration can get easily infected if not treated. Depending upon the length of the gash veterinarians will suture it under a mild sedative or glue it shut with medical grade super glue. If it is a tiny nick it is cleaned and will heal on its own. All animals are placed on antibiotics and mild pain relievers such as Rimadyl®. The latter drug is for use in dogs only. Cats do well with a diluted, oral butorphanol mix.
It seems I have removed fish hooks from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. This is common during the summer when pets are taken along during camping or fishing trips. The fish hooks have an irresistible fishy smell that attracts dogs and cats. The most common site of penetration is the front paw and mouth. Some are swallowed and those are clinically worse. Don’t attempt to remove the hook yourself. Let a veterinarian do the job under a mild sedative. The barb is cut off and the hook removed through the original penetration site. Antibiotics will prevent infection. Keep your tackle box closed at all times when pets are around.
This is seen weekly in most busy veterinary practices across the country. It effects cats and all sizes of dogs equally. The most common cause of this in females is known as pyometra which literally means pus in the uterus. This is one of the many reasons why you should spay any female animal before she sexually matures- you will avoid all of these older female dog gynecological problems. Veterinarians will perform blood work and vaginal cytology to diagnose the problem. The treatment is an emergency spay. This is serious business as the uterus may rupture or the animal develops renal failure due to sepsis. I have had to perform surgery on dogs that concurrently had congestive heart failure! Most animals do survive and with intense fluid therapy plus antibiotics they feel a million times better in a week.
Seizure activity is very common in dogs. In cats the most common cause of seizures is Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) that is caused by a corona virus. In dogs the causes can run the gamut of poisonings such as strychnine, head injuries, chronic Cushing’s Syndrome, pancreatic insulomas, eclampsia and the like. The most common cause of seizures is idiopathic or unknown. If a pet seizures it is imperative that the animal be rushed to a veterinarian. A seizure by itself does not harm the animal nor is the pet in any pain. Where seizures do become dangerous are those that do not stop in 3-5 minutes. Grand mal seizures can lead to heat stroke and many other medical problems. Be careful when transporting any animal as they may try to bite due to seizure activity. Watch your hands! Veterinarians will perform a medical workup on the animal to do rule outs. Many times the animal is acting normal on presentation but it is a good idea to let your pet be hospitalized for observation or referred to an emergency clinic where there is over night care. If there is recurrent seizure activity pets are put on phenobarbital tabs or potassium bromide to minimize seizure activity. Most dogs live normal lives on therapeutic agents.
The best liquid to keep around the house for dog or cat use is a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This stuff has a multitude of uses:
- Keeps wounds clean- Many animals develop bite wounds or wounds secondary to other causes. Cats often develop abscesses secondary to cat fights. Hydrogen peroxide poured over the wound or applied with clean gauze is an excellent antiseptic plus it does not burn. It foams up and penetrates deep into the wound. This facilitates wound healing.
- Great vomiting inducer- Many times pets swallow things that they should not have. Call your veterinarian and ask if it is okay to induce vomiting. In certain cases vomiting can make matters worse. If given a go, give 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per 10 pounds of body weight orally. Repeat in 15-20 minutes if the animal has not vomited.
- Great ear dewaxer- Hydrogen peroxide does a great job in loosening up and assisting in the removal of excessive ear wax. This is a major problem in all Spaniels as well as other individuals.
Male animals left intact also have medical problems as they age. The prostate gland causes older male animals the biggest problem. The prostate gland sits right behind the urinary bladder. The problem is that the urethra (urine outflow tract) passes right through the middle of the prostate gland. All intact male dogs will have some sort of an enlarged prostate gland at 5 years of age and up. As the gland enlarges it can crimp off the urethra. This often results in a urinary tract infection or worse- a urethral obstruction where the animal cannot urinate. The prostate gland also enlarges upward putting pressure on the descending colon or rectum. This leads to straining and constipation. The prostate gland is under hormonal control. Testosterone is produced in the testes and causes the gland to enlarge. Estrogen, often used therapeutically, causes the gland to shrink. The best long term solution is to neuter the dog. The prostate gland will reduce in size in about 2 weeks.
Euthanasia is the toughest job of being a veterinarian. Many people want to bring their children along to view the cycle of life right in front of them. I see no problem with that as I do my job. I leave that decision up to the parents. It is important to understand that children 5 years of age and under do not have a concept of death. When the pet passes make up a story that a child can understand and relate to. It doesn’t have to involve the word “death” as they do not understand it anyway. At age 6 and above children start to understand what is really happening to their pet. This is extremely hard for them as the child and the pet often grew up together. These children look at their pet as a sibling, not just a “pet”. You can tell the truth and allow your children to show any emotion they feel coming on them. They will grieve just as much as you do. All people are different and no individual pet can ever be replaced but the best medicine of all for young children is to find another puppy or kitten to love all over again.