The Magic When Pets Rule Christmas4 min read
The world is a dangerous place. On the other hand, the world is still a beautiful place. Part of that beauty is the animal kingdom that provides a sense of peace and serenity. Our companion animals are just that- true companions when things go wrong and no one seems to care or listen. The human-animal bond has been around for thousands of years. That may seem like a long time but in the big scheme of things, those few years are akin to holding one grain of sand in your hand in a world full of trillions. That animal bond, like any other relationship, needs to be nourished on a regular basis.
Let it snow! Let it snow! It is pretty difficult to get that to happen in Miami but we get desperate down here. Enjoy the falling snow courtesy of computer graphics. They can only be seen on desktops or laptops. The effect has been disabled on tablets and phones to maximize page load speeds.
I want to wish my readers around the world a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah. May the magic of the season bring harmonious, lasting peace to all. When Pets Rule Christmas…the real fun begins. Enjoy!