The world is a dangerous place. On the other hand, the world is still a beautiful place. Part of that beauty is the animal kingdom that provides a sense of peace and serenity. Our companion [...]
Dogs and cats are members of the family and that is why Christmas gifts and toys for pets is a no-brainer today! Many times you can ask a couple how many children they have and you will often [...]
Thanksgiving with pets in tow can be a heck of a lot of fun this time of year. Dogs and cats are members of our families so why wouldn't we want them included in holiday affairs? The title of [...]
It seems that every holiday that arrives as the year's calendar unfolds brings with it temptations that can get any pet into trouble. By taking Easter precautions everybody can have a good time.
Valentines day is a happy day for most people and it helps brighten an otherwise cold, gray skied mid winter day. Either way, our pets want to be involved in the celebration but can end up [...]
10 New Years resolutions for pets in 2016 are important to insure that our dogs and cats stay healthy into the New Year and beyond. Most of it is common sense.
The reason for the season is getting together with family and friends and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ plus enjoying some good food and beverages along the way!